Sunday, January 14, 2007

midterm Chu Mei (โสมวรรณ)

Midterm Test for Syntax

1. Explain the correlation of the idea that language is used as a correlation between gestures and meaning?
A. GESTURES_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _MEANING
Language as a correlation between gestures and meaning , so if we want to understand the language very well, but at first we must understand gestures .Gesture have two meaning :oral or manual. They are need to express meaning , sometime we only need use a gesture give someone understand what are you say. For example : Thais Wai means Hello, Goodbye and Thank you!

Syntax is a central component of human language. It is about sentence , meaning structure .words .Morphology is concerned with the structure of words and morphological analysis is the process by which linguists complex words down into their component parts. Arrangement means how to organize oral gestures in language to express, it is different Syntax. Though sometime it use different way to express mean , but their meaning are same .For example: The girl is reading in classroom.
2. To under stand Syntax perfectly well, we need to under the other linguistic branch ‘Morphology.’ Why is that? Can you try to analyze using the following data.
Morphology is important because the structure of words that are than arranged by Syntax .If Syntax in concerned word or gesture arrangement in language the Morphology is concerned with word structure .

a. *Barking dogs dose not bite
The structure of does is wrong should be do (the dogs –they third person plural)

b. *All men is create equal!
Should be “All men are created equal” the subject and verb should agree - ed is added to create – to show passive tense.
c. *How long is your feet ? One foot
Should : How long are your feet ? foot is the same feet , but we know the – ee- means plural and – oo- means singular.
3. Experience of Language_ _ _ _language faculty_ _ _ _Grammar of L
- Competence/performance
Competence is a 100 percent lie in ours brain, can be ourselves feel, but don’t someone discover, the speakers have the linguistic knowledge of the language. For example : I’m a girl.
Performance is a production competence ,can be someone feel, but they don’t 100 percent correct .Because sometime we will speak mistake or speak fast no clear. For example :A girl I am.
- Species-specific
It’s a filed of linguistic concerned with human language .It’s explains human language and human language behavior as Species-specific.
- Linguistic Acquisition Device—LAD
Noam Chomsky proposed this as an ”Organ” of the brain at humans art born with and is a device for language acquisition.

- Principles and Parameter Theory-PPT
This was mostly theory formulated(framework)by Noam Chomsky . Principles common to all language .A sentence need a subject . Parameter lead to Syntactic variability language . Principles and Parameter are consider as part of a genetically natural Universal grammar.

How are these terms related? Explain each term
Competence /performance ,Species-specific ,Linguistic Acquisition Device ,Principles and parameter Theory these term are correlation ,they are in modern linguistics
4. Compare Thai and English in terms of the followings:
a. Case
In my opinion Case of Thai and English are different .Because English sentence always will change their verb tense, but Thai no change the tense .For example :I go to school (I went to school yesterday) ฉัน ไป เรียน English have –s, -ed ,- ing and so on ,but Thai no .Also English have nominative ,objective and genitive. But Thai no. For example :I……me ……my and so on .
b. Number Number in Thai and English are different .Because Thai only

have one ,two ,three……,but English have one ,two ,three…..and ordinal number: first ,second, third…..,their meaning same.
c. Sentence/Phrase Structure
Sentence /Phrase Structure are correlation, but they are different. Words are combined together to form phrases are combined together to form clause s, and clause are combined together to form complex sentence .

5. Employ any means to show clearly the concept of “Constituent’ and ‘Construction’ of the following sentence.

John normally smokes cigarettes in the morning.
John is a nominative(subject), smokes is the main verb ,cigarettes is the complement(object),in the morning is adjuncts.

6. Underline the equal constituent with the underlined one.
Example : They will try to reduce taxes and increase pension.
a. Micheal Moore wrote a book about the President George Bush and Donal Rumsfeld
b. Kenny G performed his concert in Bangkok and in Uttaradit
c. His Majesty the King is highly regarded not only as the talented Jazz musician but also as the great scientist.

Name: Chu Mei (โสมวรรณ)

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