Monday, January 15, 2007

Midterm Ketsarin khayak

Midteam Test Syntax

1.Explain the correlation of the idea that language is used as a correlation between gestures and meaning

A. GESTURES----------------MEANING
=It is not the case that every possible meaning that can be expressed is correlated with a unique, unanalyzable gesture, be it oral or manual. Rather, each language has a stock of meaning- bearing elements and different ways of combining them to express different meaning, and these ways of combining them are themselves meaningful. The two English sentences Chris gave the notbook to Dana and Dana gave the notbook to Chris contain exactly the same meaning-bearing elememts, i.e. word, but they have different meaning because the word are combined differently in them. These different combinations fall into the realm of syntax; the two sentences differ not in terms of the words in them but rather in thrms of their syntax. Syntx can thus be given the following characterization, taken from Matthews(1982:1)

=One could say that syntax makes possible the formulation of expression with complex meaning out of elements with simple meaning. One of the defining features of human language is its unlimited nature; that is, the number of meaningful expressions that can be produced by users of a human language is potenlially infinite, and thai expressive potebtial cornes from the combination of the basic meaningful elements with syntactic principles. Much of the interest in language in psychology and cognitive science comes from what the study of the cognitive mechanisms underlying language use and acquisition can reveal about the human mind.

2.TO understand Syntax perfectly well, we need to under the under the other linguistic branch Morpholgy . Why is that? Can you try to analyze using the following data.
a. * Barking dogs does not bite
=Barking is adjective as ttribute.
Dog is verb as predicate
Not is adverb as neg ate adverb
Bite is verb as object.
b. * All man is create equal
= Men ในประโยค เป็นพหูพจน์ ไม่ต้องใช้ All ก็ได้ is เป็น verb แล้ว create เป็น verb แท้ใช้ด้วยกันไม่ได้ถ้าจะใช้ด้วยกันต้องเติม ed หรือ ing เท่านั้น

c.* How long is your feel? One foot
= เป็นประโยคคำถามทึ่ไม่รู้ว่า One foot เป็น เท้า 1 ข้าง หรือ เป็นที่วัดที่เรียกว่า 1 ฟุต

3.Experience of Language----------language faculty-----------------Grammar of L

=Children acquire a language will observe people around them and set of expressions in language which a child hears in the course of acquiring the language constitute the child’s linguistic experience of the language . EXperence serves as in put to the child’s language faculty the im put. To the language faculty is the child’s. experience and the out put of the language faculty is a grammar of the language being acquired

-Competence/ performance
= Competence: a tern used to represent native speaker’s knowledge of the grammar of their native language.
=Performance: a term which denotes observed language be haviour.

-Species- specific
= Species specific is a tear used to refer to language as a qenetic endowment unique to the huan sqecies.It is a uniquely hun trait, sared by cultures so diverse and by individvals physically and mentally.

-Linguistic Acquisition Device—LAD
= The language Acquisition Device (LAD) is a postulated “ organ” of the brain that is supposed to function as a congenital device for learning synbloic language (ie. Language acquisition). First proposed by Noam Chomsky, the LAD concept is a component of the nativist theory of the language which dominates contemporary formal linguistics, Which asserts that humans are born with the instinct or “ innate facility” for acquiring language.

-Principles and Parameter Theory—PPT
= This theory, developed in Chomsky and much subsequent work, claims that natural language grammars in corporate not only a set of innate universal principles which accent for those aspects of grammar which are common to all language.But also asset of parameters which account for those aspects of grammar which very from one language to another.

4. Compare Thai and English in terms of the following
a. case ถ้าเป็นภาษาอังกฤษจะผันแปรไปตามประธาน เช่น เวลาพูดถึงบุคคลอื่นที่ไม่ใช่ตัวเรา verb จะต้องเติม s
b. Number = English: จะทราบได้ว่ามีจำนวนเท่าใด และระบุจำนวนได้ชัดเจน
Thai: ไม่ระบุจำนวนที่แน่ชัดแต่ก็เข้าใจ มีจำนวนมากหรือน้อย
c.Sentence / Phrase Structure
English : She is very beautiful.
Noun verb adj.

5.Employ any means to show clearly the concept of ‘Constituent’ and ‘Contructrion’ of the following sentence.
John normally smoker cigarettes in the morning.

6.Underline the equal constituent with the underlined one.
a. Micheal Moore wrote a book about the President George Bush and Donal Rumsfeld. ตอบ George Bush
b. Kenny G performed his concert in Bangkok and in Uttaradit ตอบ in Uttaradit
c. His Majesty the King is highly regarded not only as the talented Jazz musician but also as the great scientist.ตอบ musician, the great scientist

Ketsarin Khayak
ID: 48043020154

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